About Helena
Dr. Helena Margareta Steiner-Hornsteyn
"We were glad to welcome such a great speaker and dedicated healer, bringing activation to the souls in New York and especially here at the United Nations”
—Sharon Hamilton-Getz, President World Harmony Council and Forum at the United Nations
Helena Margareta Steiner-Hornsteyn was born with a Healing Gift but didn’t use her Gift until she had lived a fulfilling life of action. Her background is impressive and varied. Her career started off as an Educator, but she moved on…..International Corporate Executive, Commercial Negotiator for Eastern Europe, Producer in the entertainment field, Founder and Promoter of a Major Symphony Orchestra, PR Executive, Founder of Several Charity Organizations for the young and needy, Artist and Award Winning Author. In all this she is also a mother and grandmother.
She has lived and worked in several countries and speaks five languages. She was born with a spiritual gift to heal and see beyond our human limitations, a gift she didn’t want to accept at first. Eventually she had to accept her spiritual calling and begin a life as a spiritual healer after many had insisted for her to do so. Her life has been a life of many heights and valleys and clear realizations and insights why certain things always happen a certain way. She has given lectures and workshops to groups and to the public on a regular basis both in Europe and in the United States. She has helped, tens of thousands of individuals in private consultations and has been praised all over the world for her good results. She has been ranked one of the top psychic healers in the world..
“Helena has with great insight and knowledge managed to explain metaphysical reality with clarity and keen perception. And soon you find it to be not only ideas and possibilities but a new reality that we all, each one of us, can have. “

“We are delighted with your charm, tact, and culture, and we so much appreciated your big capacity for work, your energy, and the enthusiasm you put into what you are doing. We hope to work with you soon again.”
International Union of Employees in Culture, Tourism, and Sports, Moscow, Russia
Helena Margareta is a direct descendant of a historical Swedish family, where for centuries many women were respected for their extraordinary wisdom, courage, and unique spiritual insights, giving these remarkable women powerful political and social positions already during the Middle Ages – at a time when this was not usually done for women.
She now very much represents her heritage and feels she has a mission to help the world, particularly the women of the world. Her message is clear and to the point very much directed to today’s active but often professionally or socially challenged, women. Her presentations are extremely powerful and effective, channeled directly from the Universe through her loving heart, directly to your receiving heart.
Helena Margareta didn’t choose her present career – it chose her. It was meant to be. Many say her events are life-changing and most have reported a higher quality of life and increase in productivity. Most also noticed that their awareness improved after they have attended her events or had a private consultation with her.
Helena is a licensed minister and she holds a Doctorate of Divinity degree. She divides her time between her practices in Europe and in the United States. When in the U.S she makes her home in Florida. She already had a wealth of life experience behind her, before she began her career in the field of Healing, Motivation, World Peace and Human Development.

As Helena grew up, her surrounding recognized her intuitive abilities early on …but she herself never knew she was born with a gift and chose to ignore her God-given gift: She was psychically able to see what others could not see: looking through the dimensions, into peoples’ bodies, seeing what going on with their organs, etc. She was also very good at reading people’s energies perceiving what was happening around and within them and finding their blockages. To her, this particular God-given gift was at the time only a heavy burden that she tried to avoid. After her the completion of her studies, she instead chose the glamorous lifestyle of an international socialite and set off into a world of action.
But as years went by she began to experience spiritual visions and receive spiritual messages. She did her best to avoid them but eventually, she couldn’t resist any longer. After years of doubt and resistance and many startling spiritual experiences, she went through a spiritual awakening. Not until now did she “wake up” and finally began the career for which she was predestined – a spiritual healer and motivator. She didn’t choose her present career – it chose her. It was meant to be.
Business background:
Already in her teens going to high school Helena Margareta began a freelance career as an independent illustrator for magazines, and writer of articles and short stories using her artistic talents. After college, she became a High School teacher, but it was not until, as a young widow, she felt she had to go out and make a proper business career, because of her many good contacts in the business world.
As a very young and very aspiring business executive, she was soon sent out as the Principal Commercial Negotiator for Eastern Europe – by Parkland Research Europe SA, Brussels. To be followed by being an independent PR consultant. She took on the inspiring task to establish the London office for Scandinavia Daily News. She was by now also a Director of Brioram Ltd., London. Later President of World Star Entertainment inc., Miami, FL, and Founder and President of Florida Festival Philharmonics, a major symphony Orchestra—because of her love for beautiful music.

Community Services:
Helena Margareta has helped raise millions of US dollars for charitable causes…
She has been involved in many charitable projects for over 25 years: Among them The Boys and Girls Club, Henderson Mental Health Auxiliary, the American Cancer Society, Pacers/for young performers, Symphony Guild of South Florida,
Founder and President: Florida Festival Philharmonics, Symphony Guild of South Florida
- Founder and President EnergyWorks International inc. and ACTIVALE Institute and Books, A GLOBAL ENTERPRISE for Human Development and World Peace
- Co-Founder: Dr. Helmut Steiner Institute for Positive Living e.V. (Germany/ Switzerland)
- Founder: Activate Your Inner Light Corporation /AYIL. A not for profit Corporation (Miami, FL)
Because of her love for music, Helena founded two major Symphony orchestras:
- Florida Festival Philharmonics, with the Swedish Conductor Ulf Bjorlin, music director
- Gold Coast Symphony with Maestro Octavio de Rosa.
Helena Margareta has created several international cultural exchange Youth Programs
As the Founder of the Symphony Guild of South Florida, Inc, a not-for-profit organization, promoting music in the world and supporting several musical youth programs, she often went to Russia to find musically talented Russian students to visit schools in the United States. The purpose was to through music help remove preset misunderstandings of each other’s origins and beliefs among young people.
Helena Margareta’s cultural background is Protestant/Lutheran but she is at this time not tied to any organized religion. She is an independent nondenominational licensed minister.
She has been ranked one of the top psychic healers in the world.